Saturday, August 10, 2013

Loving Kindness Exercise & Integral Assessment

I had a really hard time focusing and getting through the loving-kindness exercise, which is pretty much the same way I felt about the loving-kindness guided meditation.  First of all I was supposed to keep my eyes closed but I couldn't remember what I was supposed to say so I had to keep looking at the book. Memorizing the lines didn't help because I got all confused and still had to look at the book.  I like the words we are supposed to repeat.  I even believe in those words.  I want to have hope that I can expand my mind and my heart to feel what I am supposed to be experiencing here, but I have not.  Maybe I just need more practice at it?

I did, however, enjoy the integral assessment.  I discovered a couple different areas that I need to work on that will help give me the balance that I am needing in my life.  The area that needs the most growth and development is in the biological level.  More specifically with fitness and nutrition. This is an area that bothers me and affects me every day.  I am overweight and out of shape. It affects how I feel about myself and am self conscious to how others view me as well.  I am not at peace or happy with myself because of this, and have found it really difficult to get motivated until recently.  I recently purchased a treadmill for my home and a gym membership for weight and resistance training, and just this week I joined weight watchers. Now I just need to make sure I stay on course and follow the plan so I can reach my goals.

Another area for development is interpersonal. Specifically with relationships.  I have had a falling out with some members of family where words were said between us that hurt me and them too.  Now stubbornness and  pride have gotten in the way of apologizing and forgiving.  It's not just me but on both sides.  However, I know that in order to feel balance in the interpersonal level I need to be the one to break the ice so that I can begin to heal and find balance in this area as well.  I am a work in progress!


  1. Congratulations Sherrie for taking the first steps to working on your fitness & diet. Sometimes the biggest step is being ready to make the changes and it sounds like you are there. I find that writing down goals & progress each week works best so you can celebrate each small step of progress. I look forward to hearing your progress!

    As for family situations, I've found when there are strained relationships it can steal your energy and happiness until it's resolved. Sometimes it's good to be the "big" one and as you said, break the ice to start the healing. The "forgiveness" meditation may help with this one. Sometimes its better to forgive, acknowledge the positive feelings, and move on. Wishing you a good outcome.

  2. Hi Sherrie,

    We are all works in progress until the day we die. No one on this earth is perfect. The goal for all of us, should be, to become a little better every day. You are on the right path because you are acknowledging what the potential problems are. That is a great sign of progression. Best of luck to you in all that you put your mind and effort towards.


  3. Hi Sherrie,

    I have issues with weight, and body image, as well. It takes a lot of work, to achieve our ultimate goal, but for me, I have to take it in small chunks. I, too, signed up for weight watchers, and the gym. I am better at getting myself to the gym, than logging in to track my food. I try to cheer myself on (in my head) for the small steps I make towards health, each day. Exercise, even slow and steady, can help you feel better about the journey, and it helps us on all levels. Realizing this has helped me be kinder to myself, which is part of the process. I wish you good luck in facing these issues.


  4. Hi Sherrie

    I would agree I need more deveopment with the biological quadrant. I have been strugglig with weight off and on for years. I finally decided to focus on being healthy and not worrying about the actual weight loss because the weight loss consumes me. I try to think positive in that if I make healthier food choices and become more active the weight loss will be an added benefit from my healthier lifestyle.
